Purebred Nubian
Dairy Goats
Purebred Nubian Dairy Goats
Welcome to the Wool Farm Dairy Goat herd! We raise purebred Nubian dairy goats. When you visit our farm in Selma, NC, you will have the opportunity to get to know our curious and loving Nubians, which provide us with rich, creamy milk for our Handcrafted Goat Milk Soap.
Nubians are a full-sized dairy goat breed. They are popular for their gentle and friendly demeanor, as well as their high milk production. While they were originally dual-purpose livestock, their milk lines were more emphasized over time, and they are now primarily known for their milk production.
The milk from Nubian dairy goats is excellent for drinking and cheese-making due to its rich flavor and high butterfat content. These goats thrive in herds, have friendly personalities, and are curious by nature.
We invite you to visit The Wool Family Farm. See why we love our Nubians, observe our herd management practices, and decide if our Nubian dairy goats are a good fit for you.
Our Milking Does
Our classic-style Nubian does exhibit excellent breed conformation, with prominent Roman noses and deep, long bodies. They are productive milkers and very good dams.
Shown below are permanent members of our milking herd with their Linear Appraisal (LA) scores and ADGA ID numbers. Click on the photo or name for a detailed profile of each goat.
If you have an account with the American Dairy Goat Association, click on an ID number and login to ADGA to view that doe’s pedigree.
Our Herd Sires
Our herd sires also exhibit excellent breed conformation, with prominent Roman noses and deep, long bodies. These boys are sweet-natured and well-behaved.
Shown below are our permanent herd sires with their Linear Appraisal (LA) scores and ADGA ID numbers. Click on the photos for a detailed profile of each goat.
If you have an account with the American Dairy Goat Association, click on an ID number and login to ADGA to view that buck’s pedigree.
Previous Kiddings
The photos below show some of our previous litters to give you an idea of possible breeding pairs.
Reserve a Kid from a Specific Breeding Pair
You may request a specific breeding pair April through August for the next kidding year. Reservations for specific breeding pairs require a deposit.
Deposits are nonrefundable. However, if you reserve a doe kid and the breeding pair does not produce a doe, you may either choose a doe kid from a different breeding pair or get your deposit back.
For more information or to request a reservation:
Email Evelyn@TheWoolFamilyFarm.com
More About the Wool Farm Dairy Herd
We take great pride in maintaining a healthy and productive herd of purebred Nubian dairy goats that demonstrate strong breed charactertics.
Registration and Performance
Our breeding herd is registered with the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA.org).
Maintaining registration with ADGA allows us to evaluate the quality of our herd and contribute to the improvement of the Nubian breed. In addition, by participating in ADGA’s linear appraisal and milk testing programs, we are able to provide our customers with assurance of the productivity they might expect if they follow similar herd management practices.
Certified Herd Health
Our goats are tested annually for prevalent goat diseases and certified free of CAE, TB, and Brucellosis in North Carolina.
Since startup, we have maintained a closed herd. With the exception of an outside buck every few years, no other animals enter our herd, unless they were born on the farm.
A Goat for Every Herd
No matter what your goals are for raising dairy goats—home use, dairy operation, or show herd—consider a goat or three from The Wool Family Farm.
Registration & Performance
Registered with the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA.org), our purebred Nubians have excellent breed conformation and outstanding milk production, we participate in ADGA performance programs, including Linear Appraisal and Milk Testing.
We utilize ADGA Genetics to ensure our breeding program maintains our excellent pedigrees and continues to produce superior breed characteristics.
Certified Herd Health
Our herd is tested annually and certified free from:
Additionally, our veterinarian performs whole herd health checks annually.
Goats for Homestead, Dairy, or Show
As active members of the North Carolina Dairy Goat Breeders Association (NCDGBA.org), we typically show our goats at the NCDGBA Memorial Weekend Show and at the North Carolina State Fair in the fall.
We were the Premier Exibitor for Recorded Grades at the 2019 NC State Fair Open Dairy Goat Show.
Our goats have gone to homesteads, working dairies, show homes, and pet homes.
Start Your Herd on the Right Hoof
Get to Know Local Breeders
Whether you hope to build a show herd or just want to have a few goats to feed your family, finding and getting to know breeders in your area is a critical first step to success.
A huge thank you to our friends at Frog Flat, Morgen Star, and Arrowhead for getting us started on the right hoof!
—Evelyn Wool
We started our Nubian herd in 2014 with three Nubian doe kids Morgen Star Farm (Raeford, NC), plus two Alpine doe kids and a leased Alpine buck from Arrowhead Goat Farm in Selma, NC.
After getting our feet wet that first year, we decided to focus on raising Nubians. We were extremely fortunate to have Frog Flat Farm (Selma, NC) nearby and were able to lease several bucks from them before buying our own.
We strongly recommend that you choose your goats from reputable, local breeders who will help you get started on the right hoof, too. We also recommend joining a goat association or club in your area.
Associations and Memberships
Johnston County Goat Producers Association
The Johnston County Goat Producers Association (JCGPA) provides education and support for meat and dairy goat producers. JCGPA hosts an annual public meeting in January or February and a Hands On Goat field day held annually on the first Saturday in November.
The Wool Family Farm has been an active member of the JCGPA since 2014. Evelyn Wool has served as the association’s treasurer since 2020.
North Carolina Dairy Goat Breeders Association
The North Carolina Dairy Goat Breeders Association (NCDGBA.org) has educated and promoted dairy goat breeders in North Carolina since 1972. The club meets on the 3rd Sundays of January, March, June, August and November and hosts the state’s longest-running open dairy goat show, the NCDGBA Memorial Weekend Show.
The Wool Family Farm has been an active member of the NCDGBA since 2014.
American Dairy Goat Association
The American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA.org), “the most prominent dairy goat registry since 1904,” maintains pedigrees, herd books, sanctions dairy goat shows, and provides performance programs such as linear appraisal and milk testing. In addition, ADGA Genetics is a resource for planned pedigree breedings.
The Wool Family Farm has been a member of ADGA since 2014.