Morgen Star ABJ Renegade
ADGA ID: PN1987206
Date of Birth: 05/10/2018
Linear Appraisal: 88 VEV
Sire: SGCHJ&M Hideaway AB Jupiter (PN1723791, LA 89 VEE)
SS: GCH Lakeshore Ace Bellagio (PN1677892)
SD: SGCH J & M Hideaway Farm Isabelle (PN1654470)
Dam: Jacobs Pride Creme Brûlée (PN1783128)
DS: CH Jacobs Pride Scottish Maxim (PN1588348)
DD: Jcobs Pride Cameron Doeiaz (PN1497474)
About Renegade
Renegade won Best in Show at the NCDGBA Memorial Weekend Show in 2021. Renegade has an excellent temperament and so do his offspring. He has produced many daughters with lovely udders.
Wool Farm Reign
ADGA ID: PN2047360
Date of Birth: 5/22/2019
Linear Appraisal: LA: 86 EGEG
Sire: Wool Farm Mars (PN1965051)
SS: Begley’s-Troubled-Acre Flash (PN1789985)
SD: Wool Farm Cinnamon (PN1804340)
Dam: Morgen Star Leah (PN1713521, LA: 90 EEEV)
DS: Kasey’s Kids Walt Disney (PN1624460)
DD: The Swift Creek Caspians Susan (PN1584773)
About Reign
Reign carries the sweet disposition of her dam and is an excellent dam.