Life is Better on the FarmEl DoradoMisty and LeahLeah’s 2018 BucklingTupelo, Milking SuperstarRiver Muscling in on Reign’s Photo ShootMisty, Leah, Brandy with Vivi Standing WatchWhite MuscovyBobo Surpervising MealtimeMother and Son, Lucy and LukeMishchievous Misty—At It AgainA Chicken and Her ChickMuddy MargaretLuAnne and SonLive at The PlaygroundEvelyn and FriendsYes, Leah, They Are GorgeousRelaxing in the BarnLeah and Granddaughter BambiPenny and Charlie, Stumpy-tailed Australian Cattle DogsNela and 2020 TripletsSilly RenegadeLace and RiverMisty, the Flying NubianCurly and Margaret and Their BroodLeah’s GirlsRobert and NelaWilma and Pork Chop: A Little More to the Left, Robert. Bucolic Scene on the FarmMargaret, Mangalitsa SowRobert and Newborn CalfMangalitsas Out for a StrollNaptimeCaught Green-HandedWill You Be My Friend?Renegade Ready for the ShowRobert Spoiling Thunder and StormCows Out for a StrollYearling BucklingsBobo Taking a BathDinnertime ParadeGoat YogaLace and RiverCurly and Margaret, the new Mangalitsa Breeding PairPork Chop and DaughterHello ThunderShare and Share AlikeReignVivi the BabysitterRobert and Mangalitsa PigletGreen MuscovyTornado TiaSelene and Daughter GingerAbby and SonEvelyn and Little JewelWhen it’s Hot OutsideNela and Reign