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Corporate Outings

Corporate Outings Make Great Team Building Opportunities

Woman holding a chicken
Take a photo with a chicken
Farm fresh meats
Woman on a boucey ball at corporate outing
Be a kid again
Farm Challenge at corporate outing-pet a pig
Make new friends
Farm Challenge at corporate outing-find an egg
Go on an egg hunt
Catch a fish
Catch a fish
Man with horse and goats
Become a member of the herd
Woman holding baby goats
Adopt a baby
Farm Challenge at corporate outing-milk a goat
Milk a goat
Bond with your team at a corporate outing
Bond with your team
Two men on a boat
Ride off into the sunset
Tractor ride with passengers in the tobacco trailer
Take tractor ride
BBQ pork, chicken, and slaw
BBQ pork, chicken, and slaw
Group outing having fun
Celebrate the winning team

Wool Farm Map Image