Mangalitsa Pigs hero image

Purebred Mangalitsa Pigs

Mangalitsa: The Tastier Pork

Back in the ’70s , our parents were convinced that pork—’the other white meat’—was a healthy alternative to red meat. But that was really just a smoke-screen for tasteless, colorless, meat, often served over-cooked.

Move Over White Meat

The Mangalitsa (Man-guh-leet-suh) is an old-world, Hungarian pig with curly fur resembling sheep wool. The Mangalitsa pig is prized for its dark red, marbled, meat (read: ‘the Kobe beef of pork’) and generous amounts of leaf fat.

Rendered—or melted—Mangalitsa leaf fat yields high-quality, heart-healthy lard, perfect for pastry and goat milk soap.

Three Things to Know About Mangalitsa Pigs

Nearly extinct in the early ’90s, the curly-furred Mangalitsa comes in three types: blonde, red, and swallow-belly.

Black swallow-belly Manglitsa boar

Though pronounced the same, the breed is spelled differently around the world:

  • Mangalica—Hungary (origin)
  • Mangalitza—UK (since 2006)
  • Mangalitsa—US (since 2011)

Mangalitsa is making a comeback in recent years.

Learn more about the Mangalitsa

The dark red, marbled meat of the Mangalitsa is not just the best tasting pork in the world, it’s the healthiest, too.

Mangalitsa sausage and red chop

Mangalitsa fat is lower in saturated fats (the bad kind) and higher in unsaturated fats (the good kind) than other pig breeds.

Plus, Mangalitsa is lower in chloresterol than other pig breeds.

So, you can enjoy your pork and improve your health, too!

Learn more about the health benefits of Mangalitsa Pork

Friendly and fun-loving, Mangalitsa pigs are a great breed for families with young children. They like getting attention from their humans.

Boy and two curly-furred pigs

Mangalitsa thrive in large groups and are remarkably docile. Sows with litters born close together will often share nursing duties. Boars are gentle, excellent fathers and enjoy being around young piglets.

Mangalitsa thrive on nuts and roots. Feed them apples, walnuts, peanuts, or acorns for a deep flavor profile. Add goat milk for even sweeter meat.

Learn more about the Mangalitsa

Mangalitsa Pigs For Sale