FOR SALE: Wool Farm Alek
Date of Birth: 2/21/2023
SIRE: Frog Flat LZ Steely Dan
DAM: Wool Farm Nela
Frog Flat LZ Steely Dan
ADGA ID: PN2174759
Date of Birth: 4/22/2021
Sire: My-Enchanted-Acres Ledzeppelin (PN1953137)
Dam: Frog Flat Zip’s McKenna (PN1942355)
Steel has an excellent pedigree with superior genetics, permanent show champions, and proven milk production on both sides.

Wool Farm Nela
ADGA ID: PN1864894
Date of Birth: 04/18/2017
Linear Appraisal: 91EEEE
Sire: CH Frog Flat Long Lanky Nathaniel (PN1987206, LA: 91EEE)
SS: J-Nels SP Tobias
SD: SGCH Frog Flat Farm Nightengale
Dam: Morgen Star Leah (PN1713521, LA: 90EEEV)
DS: Kasey’s Kids Walt Disney
DD: The Swift Creek Caspians Susan
About Nela
Wool Farm Nela is an excellent milk producer and a sweet doe with strong maternal instincts.